Hello, Buckeyes.

With the season of gratitude upon us, I want to take just a minute to say how thankful Lynda and I are to be part of this amazing community.

Serving alongside the students, faculty and staff who make up The Ohio State University is one of the greatest opportunities of our lives. We’ve been humbled by your warm welcome, your willingness to share advice and ideas, and your excitement about the importance of our work and mission.

Ten months after we became Buckeyes, I am even more convinced that the future of higher education is right here at The Ohio State University.

That’s because of you. I can’t thank you enough for the work you do every day to build a stronger tomorrow for all Ohioans.

Even as I share my gratitude, I recognize that these are challenging times for many in our Buckeye community. Some of the challenges are playing out in the headlines; some are more private. I know how difficult it can be when you’re feeling anxious or uncertain about what’s happening around you.

None of us has all the answers. What we do know is that as Buckeyes, we will stay true to a set of values that have stood the test of time. We will treat each other with kindness and respect. We will show grace to others and ourselves. We will have the courage to give help, and to ask for help when we need it. We will remember that our mission is to be a university for ALL.

These are the values that have set a standard of excellence at Ohio State for more than 150 years. And they are the values that will guide us forward as we build the future together.

I am thankful that each and every one of you is a part of the Ohio State community. I also hope your time with loved ones during the holidays gives you an opportunity to recharge as we prepare to finish the semester strong.

And as always, Go Bucks.